'Jesus Christ' Tagged Posts

Doing the Hard Thing

To the scribes of Jesus’ day, His powerful displays of healing and casting out demons were most frustrating. These made it difficult to convince people that Jesus was an imposter, a charlatan, who was simply attempting to drum up a following for personal aggrandizement. More offensive than that, though, was Jesus’ declaration of someone’s sins…

Seeing Myself…Accurately

One of the truly commendable qualities of anyone would be the ability to know and acknowledge his limitations. This isn’t a popular thing to do today. Oh, it may be OK to have an idea within yourself, but you certainly wouldn’t want to admit it to someone else! This is the age of self-assertion…of self-promotion…of…

He Knows What We Don’t

As I’ve been reading some of the passages related to Holy Week, one of the themes that struck me is that Jesus knew very well what was coming. As Jesus and the disciples were leaving Jericho, headed toward Jerusalem, he said: “See, we are going up to Jerusalem. And the Son of Man will be…