
Certainly Elect!

The doctrine of election is not very popular in some circles of Christianity. If mentioned at all, it’s usually in a negative, critical way. Nevertheless, you can’t escape its presence. There are too many illustrations of God’s choosing (e.g. Abraham, Jacob over Isaac, David, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Paul…). And there are too many clear…

“A Fruitful Branch”

Every true believer in Christ will produce fruit of some kind, in some measure. Jesus makes that quite clear in John 15, where He declares, “Every branch in me that does not bear fruit He takes away…” (v. 2). Then He describes what becomes of such branches in v. 6, “If anyone does not abide…

A Child of the King?

It’s a sobering thing to realize that many who profess to know Jesus Christ as Savior really, in fact, do not. Jesus makes this abundantly clear in Matthew 7:21ff. These unconverted religious people will know the language to use and the works to ape, yet the Lord Jesus declares them workers of iniquity who will…

“Read Psalm 91!!!”

The national mood the last couple of weeks has involved a mixture of fear, anger, and not a little bit of anxiety. Pretty somber days. I saw it quite evident recently when I turned on Fox News a little before 9. Sean Hannity was in the closing moments of his hour covering the rioting and…

He Knows What We Don’t

As I’ve been reading some of the passages related to Holy Week, one of the themes that struck me is that Jesus knew very well what was coming. As Jesus and the disciples were leaving Jericho, headed toward Jerusalem, he said: “See, we are going up to Jerusalem. And the Son of Man will be…

Faith on an Uncertain Journey

Sage advice to the oft-perplexed about where they are—or where they’re going—in life is “Find out where God is at work and go there!” Sounds good. Sounds pious. Sounds like something Job’s friends would’ve told the poor guy as he wallowed in misery. But what if, as Job testified, I haven’t a clue what He’s…