Christian Life

Scoffing…for Now

What Peter has said would come indeed has: In these “last days” scoffers abound who live according to the dictates of their own pleasure and laugh at the very idea that Jesus Christ will come again—after all, He’s been gone for nearly 2,000 years! In their scoffing folly, they fail to see that God is…

Sweeter than Revenge

Peter’s first letter was written to Christians going through trying times, largely at the hands of others hostile to their Christian perspective and manner of life. When someone gives us a hard time, it’s easy to become consumed with desires for personal revenge or for their physical harm. And then it’s not long before those…

Diligent Efforts

On the one hand, for us to experience God’s gift of salvation is quite easy because it takes no work. In contrast to every other religion in the world, the Christian doctrine of salvation requires no amount of good works in order to be saved, for “by the works of the law shall no flesh…

Hungry for Milk

Peter’s first general epistle is written to Christians who are going through trying times, largely at the hands of others who are hostile to their Christian perspective and manner of life. When someone gives us a hard time, it’s easy to become consumed with desires for revenge or for their physical harm. And then it’s…

Good Luck Charms??

Are God, the church building, the Bible, a piece of cross-shaped jewelry Christian “good-luck charms”? Preposterous, you say? Think about it, especially in light of the attitude displayed by Micah (not the prophet!) in Judges 17. These are crazy days in Israel’s history—everyone doing what’s right in his own eyes. The spirit of idolatry has…

Powerful Passion

Ah, but where is it taking us? Passion is so powerful it can undermine, tarnish, even destroy great promise. It can take us places we never imagined…and would never choose to go. Such is one of the lessons from the life of Samson. Imagine the sense of hope in the heart of his parents. The…