A Sacrifice Costs

After David’s terrible mistake of numbering the people—a mistake that was really an act of defiance against God’s clear instruction—he did the right thing by acknowledging his sin. There were still consequences to be dealt with, though, which involved three days of a devastating pestilence infestation in Israel. A heartbroken David, seeing the destruction falling…

Doing the Hard Thing

To the scribes of Jesus’ day, His powerful displays of healing and casting out demons were most frustrating. These made it difficult to convince people that Jesus was an imposter, a charlatan, who was simply attempting to drum up a following for personal aggrandizement. More offensive than that, though, was Jesus’ declaration of someone’s sins…

Resurrection Reluctance

Resurrection Sunday is just a few days away, and as you reflect on Luke 24, consider the power and glory of God in that indescribable event! If you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, you came to believe in His literal, physical resurrection from the tomb, and did so without actually seeing the risen Savior…

An Uncomfortable Truth

A great deal of debate is going on in public education sectors today over whether or not children should be taught the possibility that the material universe came into existence through the work of some Intelligent Design. And how the Darwinians are up in arms! To hear the reactions of some, you would think someone…

Certainly Elect!

The doctrine of election is not very popular in some circles of Christianity. If mentioned at all, it’s usually in a negative, critical way. Nevertheless, you can’t escape its presence. There are too many illustrations of God’s choosing (e.g. Abraham, Jacob over Isaac, David, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Paul…). And there are too many clear…